ARTICLE9 September 2021

Strengthen EU with clear rules on AI

If political ambitions for our digital future are to be realised, the regulations must be clear and technically feasible in practice. 

The European Commission’s proposal for the AIA, is based on the concept of trust, which is vital to realising the increased use of AI. But

there are significant concern amongst our member-companies and others that the draft AIA is far too comprehensive and vague. The proposal is difficult to apply and needs stronger innovation and development approaches. Tech know-how must be ensured in the legislative process and later on in the authorities information to companies.

The entanglement of existing and proposed regulations is worrying. Extensive and overlapping rules are cost-driving and impair the investment climate. The EU and Sweden must create reasonable and technology-neutral rules to strengthen compliance and competitiveness. The complexity and lack of rigor in the proposed AI proposal would hinder companies’ ability to grow and innovate. The Swedish Enterprise shares many of those thoughts with for example the law faculty of Uppsala University, Vinnova (Sweden’s innovation agency) and AI-Sweden.

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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist