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RAPPORT — 15 mars 2022

Uppdaterad översyn av EU-taxonomins påverkan på det svenska näringslivet

NYHET — 15 februari 2022

Fler certifieringar leder inte till grönare företag

”Mitt företag blir inte grönare för att jag tvingas betala för fler certifieringar”. Det säger Anna Karin Tyskhagen som driver Dala Ledstång & Snickeri. Hon är kritisk till hur kraven på miljöcertifieringar har eskalerat de senaste åren.
NYHET — 5 november 2021

Why the EU’s environmental classification system hits Swedish companies hard 

Despite harsh criticism being directed at the EU’s taxonomy, Swedish authorities apply the classification. Companies that need government credit guarantees to restructure are now being affected.
NYHET — 7 oktober 2021

Swedish Enterprise on the technical screening criteria linked to environmental objectives 3–6

Swedish Enterprise urges the Commission to discuss the formulations of the objectives and the technical screening criteria with the wider business community before presenting its proposal. The link between the proposed criteria and how they will lead to achievement of prosed objectives is currently unclear in many aspects.
NYHET — 17 september 2021

Social taxonomy ? No, thank you!

The taxonomy is intended to indicate whether investments are sustainable or not. The focus so far has been on environmental factors, but now a similar setup is suggested for social impacts. Jonas Berggren, Chief Analyst International and EU Affairs, warns that the latter could become an administrative nightmare that leads to fewer sustainable investments.
NYHET — 7 september 2021

Swedish Enterprise’s response to the Report on Taxonomy extension 

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise’s comments on the Platform’s report on the Taxonomy extension options linked to environmental objectives.
NYHET — 11 maj 2021

Involving the business community will be crucial for reaching the Taxonomy’s environmental objectives 3 to 6  

The Taxonomy file is important for the Swedish business community and is followed closely by the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. The work with criteria for the environmental objectives is currently in an early stage, and in this position paper we highlight our initial key messages.
NYHET — 9 april 2021

There are few bright spots in the European Commission’s leaked new taxonomy proposals

Within the EU Commission’s recently leaked revised draft delegated Act on the climate-related parts of the taxonomy, several of the sections that had aroused great discussions - not least in Sweden - have now been revised. Overall, however, we find it deeply concerning that it is clearly politics, not science, that now define what is and what is not contributing to a sustainable society in the proposal.
NYHET — 26 februari 2021

The EU Taxonomy threatens the progress on climate change and Swedish competitiveness

Swedish Enterprise is concerned that the proposed EU taxonomy will have a negative impact on our ability to achieve our climate goals and will hit the competitiveness of Swedish companies hard, thus affecting our prosperity. It is clear that the taxonomy does not align with, or support, the Swedish strategy for fossil free society.
NYHET — 2 december 2020

EU Taxonomy hits the wrong target

The taxonomy as proposed may negatively impact our ability to reach our climate goals. It also risks undermining our competitiveness and ultimately leading to an overall increase in global CO2 emissions.
Kontakta Svenskt Näringsliv
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Kontakta Svenskt Näringsliv
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Tidningen Näringslivet
Tidningen Näringslivet är för dig som är intresserad av företagande, ekonomi, arbetsmarknad och näringspolitik.
Kontakta Svenskt Näringsliv
Postadress: 114 82 Stockholm
Besöksadress: Storgatan 19
Telefon: 08-553 430 00

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Tidningen Näringslivet
Tidningen Näringslivet är för dig som är intresserad av företagande, ekonomi, arbetsmarknad och näringspolitik.
Kontakta Svenskt Näringsliv
Postadress: 114 82 Stockholm
Besöksadress: Storgatan 19
Telefon: 08-553 430 00

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Tidningen Näringslivet
Tidningen Näringslivet är för dig som är intresserad av företagande, ekonomi, arbetsmarknad och näringspolitik.
Ansvarig utgivare och chefredaktör Anna Dalqvist